Resources far and near…

Spending 2 years on the road, I was able to meet providers all over the country. Now that I have moved to Stanwood and practice in Snohomish and Skagit counties, I have had the pleasure of meeting with more providers (check out my local resources on the resources page). Since I love meeting and learning from other providers, I also continue to podcast and have been on a “world tour” meeting with providers all over the world recently.

So why do I go to this much trouble? Why reach out to a bodyworker in Nosaro Costa Rica or an IBCLC in Lithuania? Why drive to Vancouver BC to meet with a dentist who does tongue tie releases on my day off?

That’s easy- my goal is to learn constantly. I want to be the best lactation consultant possible. My clients deserve to be supported by the best person for them, with the knowledge and experience to help them through their struggles. The best way for me to do that is to continue learning, ALL THE TIME.

Also, I’m curious!! Super curious. I feel a bit like a 2 year old when I ask “Why???” all the time, but really, why is your baby struggling to have a deep latch at the breast? Why is your baby getting a rash when you have milk in your coffee? Why are humans skulls and jaws shrinking the last few hundred years? Why, why why???

When I meet with a bodyworker like Judy Rosevear-Pusey, I learn from how she sees the body. How the fascia effects movement, how movements effect proprioception. When I record with Jenae Ciuffreda I learn about how tongue posture effects swallowing, which effects airway. When I talk with Bobbi Daly or Gina Nigro I learn about lactation support and breastfeeding across the world.

Learning excites me. I am passionate about many things- breastfeeding, adequate lactation and tongue tie support, my kids, living holistically, gardening- but learning is what I am most passionate about. Maybe it’s part of my ND, being ADHD I do get bored easily, and learning new things keeps life exciting. So everyday I aim to learn something new. Every month I meet with at elast 1 new provider. And every year I am to grow more and more, to be a better, more vibrant person than I was.

What excites you the most?


Is crawling really that important?